Sunday, November 15, 2009

Any good online floral companies that sell REALISTIC flowers for wedding bouquets?

I'm getting married and made my own gorgeouis bouquet myself from a fantastic company in the UK, however, I do nto wish to purchase further from the company because they are a bit overpriced. Anyone know of any good companies online that they have used that have realistic flowers? And NOT the cheezy kind you find at Micheals/ Joann Crafts, etc.?

Any good online floral companies that sell REALISTIC flowers for wedding bouquets?
I got mine from They made the bouquets but I think you can order flowers seperately too. They did a wonderful job. Everyone thought they were real! It was so nice too not have to worry about them dying in the heat! I have them on my mantel now. I love them.

For 8 bridesmaids, 16 boutinerres, 8 corsages, flower girl basket, and my bouquet it was $650. Not bad considering what it would have costed with real roses

I'll put a link to my flickr wedding group so you can look if you want.

Just so you know there is one picture of the girl who caught the bouquet. That is one that I ordered from a different company as a sample. It was horrible and looked so fake even though it looked great on the internet.

Reply:Check out wooden flowers. They look very realistic, more so than silk flowers. Check out or, tell them Sarah from referred you! Best wishes!
Reply:Try The flowers i got for my bouquets are beautiful. Great prices too. Good luck

I marry my sweetie October 20th!!

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