Sunday, May 23, 2010

HELP, I am trying to find a certain a online store that sells doll clothes and shoes, ect.?

I saw this store about 3 weeks ago and am trying to find it again. It lets you chose the material you want for the dress, the kind of socks/tights you want, the shoes you want, the hat you want, and a basket of flowers. i thought it was dress your doll, or dress a doll, but it isn"t either of them. you can buy the items separately or you can customize. I've already chosen the way i want it, and now i can't find it. thanks for your help.

HELP, I am trying to find a certain a online store that sells doll clothes and shoes, ect.?
Do you want to try e-bay instead?

this is a very good company, I get all of my needed supplies from them, stringing materials, paints to underwear to shoes and socks plus wigs and doll stands. I have used them for 10 years. Its best to list out what you want first, since I believe there is a 25.00 start to order

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