Sunday, May 23, 2010

Where can i get stick-on designs to brighten up white ceramic wall tiles? i've tried to find them online.Ros

i am particularly looking for a sunflower design or a similar yellow flower to match my new kitchen

Where can i get stick-on designs to brighten up white ceramic wall tiles? i've tried to find them online.Ros
Studio cards
Reply:I got mine in Homebase - not sure if they had sunflowers though.
Reply:Focus have them. We put the transfers on the kitchen tiles, and they look good.

B %26amp; Q probably will have them, or any good DIY.
Reply:I've seen these in B %26amp; Q - I think all similar stores have them. Why not also try a specialist Tiles store, they may have a wider range?
Reply:I got some in B%26amp;Q, expect any DIY shop would have them, better to have a proper look at them before you buy I think.
Reply:Try searching for ' Homelux Tile Transfers 'on Google or Dogpile

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