Sunday, May 23, 2010

I want have get well flowers delivered to a friend in Italy on Dec 12 but am on a tight budget, suggestions?

My friend lives in Milan and is going in for some minor surgery on Tuesday, Dec. 12th. I would like to have flowers delivered, but all the florists I've searched online are extremely expensive, and I just can't afford that. I just want something small and simple, and under $30. And more than just one single rose. :-P I'd appreciate some suggestions or ideas. Thanks! :-)

I want have get well flowers delivered to a friend in Italy on Dec 12 but am on a tight budget, suggestions?
This is a link for Interflora,the most renowned and reliable here in Italy (where there are a lot of honest persons...!!!)

h .

They have 2 items at US$ 37,50 that's not too far from yr budget.

Be aware that in Italian hospitals if the patient is a married female she is registered under her maiden name.

I hope this helps.
Reply:For $30 you are going to get very little...Why don't you just send a card or call them? You won't be able to control the quality - Europe is not like the USA, especially Italy. EDIT: Regarding the answer below me ... those prices are in British Pounds, NOT U.S. Dollars. That would make those selections about $73 bucks. Need I say more?

I have used them and they were great.
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