Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is it weird/overboard to bring flowers to a first date, who you found online, meeting for the 1st time??

No. Just don't make it a huge bouquet. I don't think you can ever go wrong with a few flowers.

Is it weird/overboard to bring flowers to a first date, who you found online, meeting for the 1st time??
No, it's a total waste of money. What purpose does the flowers serve? Did someone die? Is it mother's day?

In fact, don't spend any money on this internet ho. Just get in the back seat of your car ASAP.

And make sure she gives you gas money.
Reply:I think bringing flowers on a first date is perfectly fine. After all, most women have the common sense to know that flowers won't be delivered on each date, and most of us also know that when we marry, it will be years before we ever see a flower again... unless you do something to pi*s us off and you're trying to get out of trouble! ok, just kidding about that last part... seriously, though, flowers on a first date is fine. :)
Reply:I met my husband online. When we first met in person, he brought me flowers. I married him... so there is your answer. Not a bad idea to bring flowers. She'll love it.
Reply:I would be thrilled.
Reply:Well yeah.....

Actually, it depends on YOU. Are you the type to bring flowers? Then bring flowers. If she thinks it wierd, then it probably wouldn't work anyway.
Reply:no that is sweet but don't start nothing you can't afford to continue to do, all ladies like romance and don't want it to up and stop.
Reply:it leaves a good impression

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