Sunday, May 23, 2010

What is a good gift to give for a online romance?

I am having this online romance with this guy, and I know eventually he will want to send me flowers or some kind of gift. I don't want to give him my address so what is the best way for me to get a gift from someone online without giving my address.

What is a good gift to give for a online romance?
Tell him you accept Paypal donations.
Reply:well, you could give the address of the establishment you are studying in or the place you are working at and just ask him t address it to you.....but if its a secret romance and you dont want publicity, you could always make arrangements with your local post office, ask him to send it to the post office with your name on it and a special code that the post office will provide you and you can collect it from there later.....thats what we do in my country anyway......
Reply:why not give him your address? if your worried that he's some kind of crazed psycho then you probably shouldn't be talking to him of persuing a 'relationship' with him....

just sayin...
Reply:an e card or a poem written by you emailed by you
Reply:Get a P.O. Box
Reply:if you dont trust him enough to give him your address (and you PROBABLY shouldnt), then theres no need for you two to send gifts back and forth. meet him in person first, in a safe and very public space. good luck
Reply:Have him send you an email car. You do really need to meet and do this in a public place so you can see if he's ok and you can then go from there. I have found that you really need to meet soon and not just play online. In person is always best you just need to be careful. Good luck
Reply:An online gift certificate that you can use to go get the flowers (or anything else) yourself.
Reply:How about your picture?

i think you can give them oil painting from their photo means turn their photo in oil painting it will create nice impression on them.

Capture that special moment.turn it into a masterpiece that will last forever!

i suggest u to look at this site i think it will help u,


A great idea for a personal and unique gift is a handmade painting made from a photo that you send.

Check out this site:

The prices are reasonable and the outcome is amazing.
Reply:flowers. my boyfriend surprised himself, he really dug the flowers!
Reply:Yup, get a P.O. box.
Reply:well a Post Office would come in handy~ maybe in the other town or city!

If you are having doubts about this person having your address Maybe you should re-think the status of your realtionship, with this person!!

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