Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ladies, would you be upset if you didn't get any flowers for Valentines Day?

I mean they jack-up the prices for flowers on that day. And I find it rather cumbersome to get them. The florists usually run out and if you order them online, you are not gaurenteed you will like what you see.

I just rather get flowers on another day.

What do you think?

And what do you expect on Valentines Day?

Ladies, would you be upset if you didn't get any flowers for Valentines Day?
I'm more impressed by a thoughtful gift. Everyone does flowers, they are too easy. You could take the money you'd spend on flowers and buy food that you cook for her, or downloads on itunes, or any other thing that you know she'll love. And yes, I agree that flowers are cumbersome. They also die. There are much better gifts out there.
Reply:No, but I am not a "flower" person and my husband knows it.

For me, flowers are either for dead people or trying to buy me off to keep from getting in the doghouse. I agree with you that florist jack up the prices and you don't get what you pay for.

I would much prefer that my husband hand pick me some wildflowers, or buy me a plant at the nursery that we can plant in the yard. If your wife/gf has a flower garden, why not surprise her by going this route and buying her a rose bush in a pot to plant. If she doesn't have a yard, then maybe a pretty potted plant for either the patio or indoors. If you know that she doesn't have a green thumb or is allergic to live plants, then maybe something else either for the home or personal, such as cologne, lingerie, or jewelry.

That, a card, and maybe a romantic dinner should do the trick, and hopefully you will get points for originality.
Reply:A kiss and an "I love you."

Same as every other day.
Reply:No,because you;re right. They jack up the prices. I expect a some QT. I don't care about all that other stuff. Well, some chocolate covered strawberries would be nice... :)
Reply:Not at all!! flowers just die anyways! haha do something sweet for her instead. buy her a thoughtful gift with that 50 or 60 bucks it would cost to get her flowers!
Reply:To be honest, I would rather have a heart felt love letter or poem written to me. That would mean so much more than a bouquet of flowers that will die in a week anyways.

I wouldn't be upset if I didn't get flowers, but I would be upset if I got nothing at all.
Reply:You should come up with something on valentines day. You can't wait for the sales. If you care about your gal you willl honor her on the day that was designed to do so. I know it is like robbery but flowers are not the only option.. Just go and buy her a watch or something I am sure you can manage for under 20 bucks.. she will be very happy to know you care that much.
Reply:Flowers are nice but you could use the money and get something that wont be gone in a week. Id rather get something I know he thought about. I know if I get flowers he ran outta time and went to the store grabbed flowers and came home.
Reply:I'm not a lady...but I usually give another present rather than flower. I just give chocolate with the hand-written card or something...
Reply:Yeah they do jack up the prices, but it would be nice to receive flowers I am one of those that goes all and expect the same so if I don't get flowers I will be a little upset
Reply:Are you all joking me? I dont buy it for a second that some of you "arent flower kinda girls"... know what. Every girl loves getting flowers, and if youre the kinda girl that says to your man when he gets you flowers, "Ew, these are just for dead people" or "Flowers are SO cheesy" or "ugh, these are just going to DIE" ... then WOW. Wake up everyone, a real lady loves flowers and accepts them graciously... what the heck happened to knights in shining armor with an arm full of roses... siiiiiiiiiigh.... I would give anything for a big bouquet of flowers today... TRUE GENTLEMEN OUT THERE: trust me, its amazing what a little cut perennial can do to a TRUE lady...
Reply:Personally I wouldn't mind at all. But the question is would your friend mind :)

There are less costly flowers and gifts one could get.

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