Thursday, May 20, 2010

Should I give my client source files and graphics so that his staff can takeover ?

I've decided to raise my monthly website maintenance fees (double the amount) but my client refuses to pay. Instead he has decided to transfer the workload to his employees. Should I give them the source files ? Or at least charge them for the 'handover' ? He told me last time he would increase my fees after 6 months, so that's why I settled with a low amount. They sell flowers online and valentines day just over so don't tell me they can't afford it ...

Should I give my client source files and graphics so that his staff can takeover ?
it will be a very moral behavior if u helped him even that he wants to stop dealing with u, it's good 4 ur reputation on the long run, he may find out that he can't just get rid of ur services, or other clients may know by chance and find that they r interested in working with u, but the at same time u should not give the chance for someone to abuse u, u know the whole circumstances, take everything in consideration and decide, but u also have to remember that the client (no matter how much he gain of money) is interested in lower costs, u have to put urself in his place.
Reply:Double the price sounds a little drastic of a raise...maybe what you need to do is sit-down an negotiate in good faith. Maybe he cannot afford to double your fees but can increase to half your demand. In the meantime look for a new client....and when you found it ask for a raise again. If he can afford it he will pay you...if not...he wont. You dont want to be waisting your time with a client who cannot afford your services. But first find a new client! Hope this helps....

horns costume

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