Thursday, May 20, 2010

How much should I spend on supplies for a paper bag album? Where should I get a large amount of supplies?

I am starting to make paper albums to sell on eBay and I'm not quite sure how much I should spend on them. Whats a reasonable amount to spend and still make a good amount of money back???

Also, I've been shopping at michaels, joanns, hobby lobby, walmart, etc. and I don't feel like I should be spending $4 for 12 flowers all the time. Is there some place that wholesale sells scrapbook items (embellishments, flowers, paper) online that anyone knows of?

How much should I spend on supplies for a paper bag album? Where should I get a large amount of supplies?
What type of flowers are you wanting such as what size and what color? may be able to help you get a bul order but I need to know what you want and I can send you pictures of what I have access to as well as prices. Send me a message at and we will go from there.
Reply:You can get a lot of great supplies in the larger dollar stores -- and don't just look in the scrapbooking supplies, look in the kitchen supplies for the paper bags, and paper doilies, check out the tissue wrapping paper and other wrapping papers. Look around your house for recycleable items -- one of my favourite embellishments is the plastic mesh onion bags! the inside of potato chip bags gives you a wonderful silver paper that costs a fortune at Micheal's -- magazine clippings -- I have a expandable file with all sorts of images that I have cut out and use depending on the subject -- take a look at some of your old clothes -- t-shirts that have no use can be cut into thin "strings" and used to embellish, you can tie them or sew them right onto the pages, same with buttons or buckles or any type of attachment on old clothes. Unravel the yarn from and old sweater, or scarf -- use an old scarf, cut up. You need to look at everything you throw in the garbage before you throw it away. Pop cans can be cut open and holes punched and attached as a frame, or write on them for a raised type of printing...

Another source of classy papers is the paint and wallpaper store, you can usually get the old wallpaper books for free or for a small price -- I have paid $4 for a huge wallpaper sample book that would be equal to a $40 pack of papers at Micheals...

And as in the previous answer, don't forget your local thrift stores -- silk flowers, laces, ribbons, old magazines and books.

If you buy stuff new, you will have the same looking product as everyone else. You need to source your supplies from unusual places. If you buy online your prices will not be much different and on top of it you have to pay shipping costs too. Look in your own house and yard for unusual things, look at things differently than everybody else and you will begin to have a 'style' of your own, that buyers will begin to look for.
Reply:To find the information you want online, your best bet would be to simply type the product you are looking for and add "+ discount" you will be able to choose the listing that best fits your needs. Many wholesale sites sell only to businesses with a license and tax ID number.

You should watch in your local area for going out of business sales because many scrapbooking stores are going out of business since the fad has slowed down a lot.

I have found a lot of supplies at my charity thrift stores, since stores receive tax breaks by donating unsold inventory. I have about a half dozen stores I visit on a weekly basis.

There is no way to know what you should pay, other than Wal Mart is usually the lowest price retail, and so you can use their prices for a figure to beat.

You can also find the supplies to make the albums right on e-bay, as well.
Reply:Flowers are a huge $ suck. I recommend watching the dollar spot at Target when they have flowers there. I just bought a couple multicolored lei's there. I took the lei's apart and have more flowers than I know what to do with! Watch sales. Buy silk flowers on the stem and take them apart.

Get your supplies in bulk if you don't have a retailers license. Some places will cut you a deal if you ask them. Good luck!

Another hint is that since paper bag albums are not acid free, don't feel like you have to use only acid free product on them. They will yellow and age over time, so go wild! Use wrapping paper and other things that you find. It makes them more interesting!
Reply:hi, if you find out where to get supplies in larg quanties please let me know cause i need lots of cardstock for a project im making as well..


cheryl v
Reply:I think you can buy paper bags in surplus from Uline. As far as the wholesale prices on scrapbook items: most manufacturers require you to have a business license (because they do not charge you sales tax) in order for you to purchase. You most likely will also have a minimum purchase requirement.

You can get a business license pretty cheap by simply filing under your social security number at your local government licensing office. I think mine was $100.

Once you have your bus. license number, just look for the manufacturer's name on the items you buy the most and search for them on the web. I did this when looking for double sided tape and packaging and saved up to 50% off of retail pricing. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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