Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where can I buy earrings online?

where can I buy some pretty studs online that are okay for people who are allergic? I've been wearing diamond earrings for 6 months, and not to sound snobby or anything but it gets kind of boring after that long... especially if your friends change almost every 2 days! Lol. I just want a few. I tried claire's, but they don't sell online.

PS, I am looking for cute earrings like animals or flowers or colorful ones. Nothing plain! :)

PSS, I am 12 in case that helps!

Where can I buy earrings online?
I would go to Claire's if that is what you are looking for in the mall it is my fave store:) Good luck(or on ebay)
Reply:dollar store
Reply:e-bay.... you can everything there.

Reply:Cool, try If they don't have anything online, claire's have awesome ones for sensitive ears.
Reply:a lot of regular clothing stores sell earrings, and you can buy them online, you just have to look under the accesories. So check out one of your favorite stores like aeropostale or american eagle--wherever you shop

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