Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How can i get basic information about online ordering systems, and some codes and interfaces to download?

i am going to develop online ordering system for a given flower farm which exports different types of flowers as my graduation project for my BSC in ICT.i want to know what are the basic elements to consider to develop it, and free source codes and interfaces that can serve me as a guideline for the development. i also want to know which languages and constructing tools are best sweet for the system for example for my database design, web design,etc.

How can i get basic information about online ordering systems, and some codes and interfaces to download?
You could spend quite a bit of time on OpenSourceCMS.com http://www.opensourcecms.com/ , which is a very interesting demo site for many of the principal Open Source Content Management Systems. In particular, you could look into well developed e-commerce systems, such as osCommerce, phpShop, and ZenCart, each of which is running on many commercial sites, and has source code available.

I understand that you want to re-invent the wheel. But start by looking carefully at the many good wheels that already exist.

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