Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I can picture these flowers but I have no idea what they are called.?

They are bell shaped flowers, annual not perennial, not on a vine, with a white center and purple around the edges with purple stamens. Somehow for the life of me I cannot find a pic of them online or any information on what kind of flowers they are.

I can picture these flowers but I have no idea what they are called.?
its a Petunia. Not all have the white in the middle though. But some do.
Reply:Maybe a campanula (also called bell flower) or another type of campanula, called Canterbury bells. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campanula They are annuals and biennials
Reply:If it 's an older flower--good luck.

I can't find the flower or seed for the chinese lantern that I used to have growing in my yard.

It looked JUST LIKE a chinese lantern and had air in it---reddish-orange--on green bushes that multiplied.
Reply:Are you thinking of Petunia's ?
Reply:let's narrow this down.... where are you and what season do these flowers bloom... and are they pretty smellers?....what kind and size leaf?...
Reply:Could they be a type of fuchsia that is the first thing that comes to mind
Reply:lily of the valley?

Reply:Sounds like bleeding hearts to me.... idk

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